Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami addressed an election meeting in Bajpur Municipality after roadshoow on Saturday. He urged the voters to vote for BJP’s Municipal President candidate Gaurav Sharma and other councilor candidates in the upcoming municipal elections.
The roadshow witnessed enthusiastic participation, with residents lining both sides of the streets to welcome the Chief Minister. Amid loud chants of “Dhami-Dhami,” CM Dhami waved to the crowd from a vehicle adorned with flowers, acknowledging their support. Starting from the railway station, the roadshow culminated at Ramraj Road Mandi in the heart of the main market.
Security arrangements were robust, with heavy police deployment ensuring the smooth conduct of the event. The vibrant atmosphere reflected the public’s enthusiasm for CM Dhami and the BJP’s campaign.
Following the roadshow, CM Dhami addressed a massive public gathering, appealing for votes in favor of BJP candidates. He emphasized the importance of public support in driving development and said, “Every vote cast for the BJP on January 23 will serve as a milestone in Bajpur’s progress.”
CM Dhami highlighted the party’s commitment to infrastructure development, good governance, and public welfare. He expressed confidence that a BJP-led board would usher in transformative growth for Bajpur.
Prominent leaders including Lok Sabha MP Ajay Bhatt, former MP Balraj Pasi, former Cabinet Minister Arvind Pandey, and several others were present at the event, lending strength to the BJP’s campaign in Bajpur Municipality.