Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami met Union Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Hardeep Puri in New Delhi on Tuesday. During the meeting CM Dhami invited the Union Minister for the upcoming 38th National Games, which is schedule to happen in Uttarakhand. He also requested ONGC and IOC to provide sponsorship through CSR for the event.
CM Dhami emphasized the importance of the National Games for the state’s sports development and highlighted the potential role of corporate sponsorships in ensuring its success. In response, Union Minister Hardeep Puri extended his best wishes for the successful organization of the National Games. He assured the Chief Minister that the Ministry would offer all possible assistance in facilitating the event.
Additionally, Minister Puri suggested that the state government consider sending proposals for CSR funding in the areas of health and education, to benefit from the support of ONGC and IOC.
CM Dhami expressed his gratitude for the Union Minister’s positive response and support, ensuring that the National Games will be a grand success with the cooperation of all stakeholders.