Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi today. CM Dhami has given formal invitation to PM Modi for upcoming 38th national games to be held in Uttarakhand. As a gesture of respect, the Chief Minister presented the Prime Minister with a shawl from Malari (Chamoli) and a replica of the Narayan Ashram.
During the meeting, CM Dhami expressed his gratitude for PM Modi’s continued guidance and support in accelerating Uttarakhand’s development. The Chief Minister briefed the Prime Minister on several ongoing development projects in the state, including the Rishikesh-Karnprayag rail project, where the first phase is progressing rapidly. He also informed PM Modi about the completion of the survey for the Tanakpur-Bageshwar rail project, requesting its approval and urging the Centre to bear the full financial cost of the project.
CM Dhami further requested the closure of the old railway station in Rishikesh to facilitate proposed development works and suggested operating all trains from the new Yoga Nagari railway station. He also sought the early release of the remaining central funds under the Jal Jeevan Mission, highlighting its importance in ensuring clean drinking water across the state.
In a significant proposal, the Chief Minister discussed plans for a geothermal energy project in collaboration with Iceland. He mentioned that necessary clearances from the ministries of Environment, Renewable Energy, and External Affairs have been received and requested technical and financial assistance from the Centre to advance the project, emphasizing its role in helping India meet its carbon net-zero target by 2070.
Additionally, the Chief Minister sought approval for several key infrastructure proposals, including bypass projects in Rishikesh, Haridwar, Champawat, Haldwani, and the Dehradun Ring Road. CM Dhami also urged central assistance for the Haridwar-Rishikesh Ganga Corridor and the Sharda Corridor project.