Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the 38th National Games on Tuesday at the Raipur Sports Stadium in Dehradun. The grand ceremony marked the official commencement of the games, witnessed by an enthusiastic crowd celebrating this significant occasion for the state. The event was attended by Governor Lt Gen (Retd) Gurmeet Singh, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, and other dignitaries.
The games will continue till February 14, 2025, across eight districts. It will showcase a blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure and natural beauty. It will be conducted in eight districts including plains of Haridwar to the hills of Tehri and Khatima.
This year’s National Games will feature 35 sports events, including 33 medal tally games and two demonstration sports. For the first time, Yoga and Mallakhamb have been included as medal tally games, highlighting the nation’s rich cultural heritage. Approximately 10,000 athletes from across the country are expected to participate, making it one of the largest sporting events ever hosted in Uttarakhand.
Under the theme “Green Games,” the event emphasizes eco-friendly practices. From sustainable medals to green initiatives, the games are a nod to Uttarakhand’s commitment to environmental conservation.
The mascot for the games is the state bird, Monal, named “Mauli,” symbolizing the state’s vibrant culture and beauty. The torch, aptly named “Tejaswini,” will ignite the spirit of sportsmanship across the participating districts.
The official motto of the games, “Sankalp Se Shikhar Tak,” reflects the dedication to achieving excellence, a sentiment echoed in the anthem.
With world-class infrastructure and a focus on inclusivity and sustainability, the 38th National Games promise to inspire athletes and spectators alike, leaving a lasting legacy for sports in Uttarakhand.