
Aadhar to be valid travel document for people of this age group visiting Nepal, Bhutan

Indian citizens of less than 15 years of age and more than 65 years of age can be used as a valid travel document for Aadhar card for travel to Nepal and Bhutan. This information has been given in the recent release of the Home Ministry. For the visit of both neighboring countries, other than these two age groups, citizens cannot use Aadhaar card for travel. Indians do not need a visa for the visit of both countries.

It has been said in the release that Indian citizens going to Nepal and Bhutan have to have a valid passport, identity card issued by the Indian government or the Election Commission, they do not need a visa. Earlier, persons under the age of 65 and below 15 years could show their PAN card, driving license, Central Government Health Service (CGHS) card or ration card to prove their identity for the visit of these two countries. A senior official of the Home Ministry said that the Aadhaar card has now been added to this list.

The official said to PTI-bhasha, “Now, for a person above 65 years of age and below 15 years of age people will be allowed to use the Aadhaar card as a valid travel document.” Registration certificate issued by for Indian citizens by Indian Embassy in Kathmandu is not acceptable travel document for travel between India and Nepal. “However, the emergency certificate issued by the Indian Embassy in Nepal and the identity certificate will be valid only for one visit to India to return,” he said, quoting the release.


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