Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, addressed a public meeting in support of BJP candidate Neelam Pehalwan for the Najafgarh Assembly constituency in the upcoming Delhi elections. He urged the people of Najafgarh to prioritize development and good governance by electing the BJP candidate with an overwhelming majority.
In his address, CM Dhami highlighted the historic decisions taken under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership, including the abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir, implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), and the construction of the grand Ram temple in Ayodhya. He emphasized these initiatives as milestones ensuring national unity and integrity.
CM Dhami pointed to the BJP’s successful implementation of the Uniform Civil Code in Uttarakhand as a testament to the party’s commitment to inclusive governance. He also criticized opposition parties, including Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), accusing them of corruption and appeasement politics.
Dhami alleged that AAP’s governance in Delhi was riddled with scandals, including a liquor scam and inefficiency in addressing critical issues such as water supply and Covid-19 management. He also accused the Kejriwal government of fostering a tanker mafia and failing to address the plight of the Yamuna River.
Urging the people of Delhi to choose wisely, he said, “The choice is between development and peace or standing with parties that harm national interests and societal harmony.”
Several prominent local leaders and BJP supporters, including Vinay Rohila, Deepak Hooda, Tara Chand Joshi, and others, were present at the rally to back Smt. Neelam Pehalwan’s candidacy. The BJP aims to strengthen its foothold in Delhi, banking on development and strong leadership as its core promises.