No pass to enter into UK assembly


Following on the chief minister Trivendra  Singh Rawat’s instruction that cabinet minister would sit into their office twice a week, vidhan sabha would be open for all for two days. For this they have been doing exercise that how they can allow anyone without making compromise with the security of the vidhan sabha. For this government is going to send a letter to the speaker to allow entry without pass on two days.

As we know that people had complaint to the chief minister that their minister are remain aloof which is why they had to struggle hard to get access of their minster. In view of this CM had announced that people can meet the minister into their office on Wednesday and Thursday of every week. Even ministers have been asked to be their in office on these days. Although they can sit on other days too but these two days are mandatory for them. Even CM had asked that for these two days people can visit to their minister and no need to get entry pass into the assembly.

Although speaker premchand aggrawal said that he is yet to receive any such request letter. Once he receives then he would take call on it.



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