Major Nirala, which has been made on a novel written by former chief minister of UK and Haridwar MP Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, to be released in Mumbai Cineplex on June 24.
Ahead of release Dr Nishank released its trailer at Iscon Auditorium Juhu in the presence of film director Arushi Nishank. She said that the movie has been made on the life of soldier and their martyre. It will be released on June 24. The film song and music composed by Narendra Singh Negi. This is first time happening that a Garhwali movie released in ISCON, juhu. It has grabbed media attention too.
Noted actor Arun Govil said that Dr Nishank is politician but he is very much sensitive and seldom you will find such kind of person in politics. There is a need to save our culture. He expressed special thanks to Arushi, who has made a movie on the life of Army, who see and listen about nation only.
Bollywood Singer Kailash Kher said that first time he sang a song for Garhwali movie. This is good beginning and he sang for a movie, which has been made on the basis of novel written by Dr Nishank.
Movie magic entertainment limited MD Rajesh Negi has appreciated the concept of the movie and its director too.
On this occasion Dr Nishank said that it is our duty to keep alive our culture and local language. In the form of Major nirala an initiative has been taken. Although he had received several offer but he agreed to give his story for Garhwali film and Arushi has done well. Noted actor Hemant Pande said that he enjoyed this movie and this is unique and different.