Himmothan to focus on Agriculture processing

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Chief Secretary Utpal Kumar Singh said that to double the farmers income as envisaged by Prime Minister, “Himmothan” project should focus on processing of agriculture products and providing low cost power tillers to the farmers. He also sought suggestions to make these programmes more effective while presiding 12th state level steering committee meeting of Himmothan today. The projects is being run by Tata Trust under the supervision of chief secretary.

He emphasized on awareness campaign for encouraging farmers to sow commercial crops. Chief Secretary instructed that to double the income of farmers, the officers of agriculture, horticulture, peyjal, development officers concerned with employment generation projects should work in close cooperation with Tata Trust officials.

Vibha Puri Dass, Chief of “Himmothan” said that under the project, a target has been fixed to raise the living standards of one lakh families in one thousand villages till 2020.

She said that to achieve this goal, “Himmaothan” project in cooperation with state government Integrated Livelihood Help project, Participatory Forest management and JAIKA, Uttarakhand State Rural Livelihood Project has been working for farmers in agriculture, horticulture, livelihood, skill development, education, peyjal and cleanliness. She gave a detailed presentation on the works being done by the “Himmothan” project.

Himmothan Project Director Yashpal Singh Bisht gave a detailed presentation about the implementation and monitoring of the project. During the presentation, Bisht said that the programmes organized under the project are monitored and evaluated by the committee constituted at the district level, once a year. He explained in detail about the various programmes – toilets free schemes, livestock development, agriculture, horticulture, education and livelihood rehabilitation programme being run under the project. Bisht said that co-operatives of different districts have formed Trishulii Producer Company for value addition of local products, branding and marketing in various markets of the state, through which, the livelihood project is operated.

On this occasion, Additional Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Additional Secretary Ravneet Cheema, Additional Secretary Ramvilas Yadav, Member of Himmothan  Project STS Lepcha (IFS), Tata Trust Deputy Director Dr. Malavika Chauhan, Zonal Head Dr. Amrita Patwardhan, Head of the Department, Education Manish Jha, Head of the Department, Agriculture Rajendra Koshyari and officials of concerned departments were present.

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