State forest Minister Dr Harak Singh Rawat has categorically said that 28 BJP MLAs were in touch with him to topple ND Tiwari led Uttarakhand government. With this statement he had made treasury bench uncomfortable especially incumbent CM Trivendra Singh Rawat, who was also one of the BJP members between 2002-2007. He made this disclosure while paying tribute to the Ex-Chief Minister ND Tiwari, who passed away in October.
Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat remembered him as a leader, who rose above petty considerations of party politics to be helpful to everyone. He recalled Tiwari for his contribution to the industrialisation of both Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand during his tenure. Tiwari served as the Chief Minister of UP for four terms and Uttarakhand as the first elected Chief Minister of the newly created state.
Rawat said when he became an MLA for the first time, he often went to Tiwari for help, who guided him openly regardless of the fact that he belonged to the Opposition. State Finance Minister Prakash Pant also paid tributes to the leader, remembering him for his generosity of temperament, his capacity to stay calm in the most difficult situation. He had good control over his temper, having deep understanding of the norms of parliamentary democracy and his deep regard for them.
Bheemtal MLA Ram Singh Kaira attributed his growth in politics to the inspiration of Tiwari, who did a lot for the development of Uttarakhand. He also urged the state government to rename Kumaon University after the great leader.