A new study has claimed that some environmental pollutants that spread rapidly can have harmful effects on your kidney health. Researchers from the University of Duke of America told that on-end polyflowlichyl substations (PFAS) are a large group of non-biodegradable substances used in industrial processes and consumer products and are present everywhere in the environment.
He said that humans come in contact with PFAS through contaminated soil, water, food and air. Researchers have discovered other relevant studies to investigate the effects on kidneys due to contact with PFAS. John Stenifer of Duke University said that kidneys are very sensitive parts, especially when it comes to environmental toxic elements that enter our bloodstream.
He said that because now many people are coming in contact with new generation agents, such as PFAS chemicals and their options, such as Janex being prepared, it is very important to understand whether and how these chemicals may be responsible for the disease. Researchers looked at 74 studies that have been told about several adverse effects associated with PFAS contact. These effects include not working the kidneys properly, disturbances in the tubes near the kidneys and deteriorating metabolic pathways associated with kidney disease.
This study was published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN).