US teaches importance of cyber security

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The US Embassy’s North India Office hosted an expert talk by Merike Kaeo (CEO, Double Shot Security, California, USA) on “Managing Security Risks in Today’s Complex Landscape” for the students and the faculty of UPES, Dehradun.

On the occasion, Catherine Fischer, Public Diplomacy Officer and Robin Bansal, Cultural Affairs Specialist of North India Office, US Embassy, were present along with Dr Manish Prateek, Dean School of Computer Science, UPES and Dr Ajay Prasad, HoD CS as well as faculty members and students. Dr Prateek stressed on the contribution of the students in the area of cyber security.

The talk was in continuation to the remarkable performance of UPES students at the ‘US Embassy’s North India Cyber Security Hackathon’ organised in February 2018 in Dehradun which prompted the US Embassy India to interact with the students of UPES. Among the 14 participating teams, both the ‘winners’ and ‘runners-up’ teams were from UPES.

In her talk, Merike pointed out the importance of cyber security fundamentals and emphasised the need to look at security from a wider perspective to encompass both physical and virtual security. She also discussed the importance of understating specific aspects like IPv6 & DN6 security with the students of UPES.

The delegates also had an elaborate discussion with Dr Deependra Kumar Jha, vice- chancellor UPES at his office prior to the talk.

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