Strange but true, your week end’s celebration becoming hazardous for environment. Damn sure, you are not aware about this but this is happening because whatever you order eateries from outside being packed in plastic. To provide more comfort to the customer, shopkeepers sends cutlery along with it and later dumped into dustbin.
As per the rough estimate around 22000 tonnes waste being accumulated becasue of your food habit. During week end people quite often order food from outside.
The food comes in plastic container like bowl, box etc along with spoon and fork. Although people can use spoon and fork but they dumped after use and later the waste comes into dumping ground through door to door collection. you would be surprised that huge quantity of waste comes and it puts pressure over the authority who are responsible to dispose it. They say that the waste can be controlled if people stop using such cutlery. For instance you order for food from outside then you can ask the shopkeeper not to send bowl and spoon etc.