Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone who were once a couple in Bollywood joined hands together for a fashion show. Their chemistry onscreen was as good as it was offscreen. However, fate had different plans for them and they parted ways after dating for several years. The duo set the ramp on fire at “The Walk of Mijwan” on Thursday night flaunting the outfits designed by ace designer Manish Malhotra.
Both Ranbir and Deepika looked every bit regal as showstoppers, decked in beautiful attires from the collection of Manish. Ranbir dressed in black floral embroider sherwani and Deepika wore a pearlescent lehenga designed with heritage embroidery that celebrated the craft of needle.
The collection shows some of the quintessential Indian embroidery craftsmanship in Chikankari in various texture that celebrated traditional Indian design. Organized by Mijwan Welfare Society, in the presence of veteran actress Shabana Azmi, the fashion evening was graced by many celebrated personalities of the film industry.