Use of polythene will not be allowed at Vasantotsav 2018 to be held at Raj Bhawan on February 24 and 25. This was decided in a meeting was held at Rajbhawan while reviewing the progress of the preparations for the festival. Governor Dr KK Paul said that the state’s cuisine should be given priority at the food court.
A vehicle decorated with flowers must be sent around the city to make people aware of the Vasantotsav. Other ways of promoting the festival must also be used. The certificates that will be awarded at the festival should be made of recycled/handmade paper .
Special care should be taken of cleanliness at the two-day event .Entries for cut flowers (like orchids and roses) must be a minimum of three entries.The Governor said that it should be ensured that polythene was not used at the festival.
Besides the other categories, cultivators of excellent flowers in the hill districts will also be awarded.It is being ensured,through the education department, that a maximum number of children will participate.Diifetently abled and street children will also be part of the festival.ONGC will provide caps, bags an T shirts to children.
An Art gallery will be put up at Raj Bhawan auditorium .On February 24, a cultural programme will be presented in the evening by folk artistes of the state.
During the daytime, the artists will perform cultural programmes at the Raj Bhawan lawns.
Present at the meeting were secretary Ravi Nath Raman, D Senthyl Pandian, Dilip javalkar, DM SA Murugeshan and officials of various departments, ITBP,IMA ,ONGC, and Postal department .