
Army Technology Seminar : 2018

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The second edition of Army Technology Seminar was organised at Manekshaw Centre by the Indian Army on 08 January 2018. The theme of the seminar was ‘Technology as a Key Enabler to Overcome Challenges of Military Operations in High Altitude’. It highlighted the current and long term needs of technology and equipment for the Indian Army. Gen Bipin Rawat, Chief of the Army Staff gave the key note address during the inaugural session of seminar. The seminar was attended by Serving Officers of the Indian Army, DRDO Scientists, representatives of Industry and Academia.

During previous seminars the Indian Army published various technological problems being faced during operations in the form of two compendiums, which has got encouraging response from Industry and Academia in the form of various technological solutions which were exhibited during the seminar. Indigenously developed technology and equipment will assist in increasing self-reliance in defence and contribute significantly to the ‘Make in India’ initiative. In order to further consolidate on the advances made, Gen Bipin Rawat, Chief of the Army Staff released the Third Edition of Compendium of Problem Definition Statement based on current requirements of Indian Army

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