Beware if you buy gas baloon for your ward

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Beware if you are buying gas balloon for your ward because four children bunt with gas balloon, which caught fire, while they were playing.  This incident has happened in a programme which was organised to welcome Bihar Governor Satyapal Malik at Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh.

This has raised question mark that how much precautions we follow while our ward plays with gas baloon. It has been noticed that parent usually buy baloon so that their chidren would make them free. Expert says, baloon seller fills hydrogen gas, which is highly inflammable, in place of helium. If you buy gas baloon for you ward then keep your ward away from fire or running electrical equipment next time.

The incident happened at Hisawada, the native village of Bihar Governor Satya Pal Malik, who was visiting it for the first time after assuming office. The venue was decorated with gas balloons and the incident occurred when some children started taking away the balloons, said Baghpat Bhawani Singh, DM Baghpat.

The children got injured after the balloons caught fire. The injured were sent to the district hospital. Later in the evening, three were discharged, while one child was referred to Delhi for treatment, the DM added.

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