Holi celebration on last day of IYW-2017 at Rishikesh

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Holi festival may be a week away, but the holy city Rishikesh has started to be hued in the colour of the festival on Tuesday, the concluding of the 29thInternational Yoga Festival.  As many as 1200 yoga enthusiasts and practitioners who had gathered from 101 countries & six continents smeared one another with the colour of Holi.

Soaked in the green ambience of the Palm trees standing tall on the sprawling grounds of Parmarth Ashram, the venue of the annual festival meant to celebrate yoga, the foreigners danced as the famous Indian pop-rock and sufi singer Kailash Kher sang in his mellifluous voice.   The director of the festival Sadhwi Bhagwati had a tough time to move the crowds towards the food stalls for lunch as they did not want to miss a leg shake on the beat and get a selfie clicked with their multi-hued faces.

“I can not understand the Hindi lyrics of the song but I enjoy the rhythm which makes me sway my body and uplifts my soul,” said one of the Costa Rica participants of the yoga festival. She is a designer for stage and musical concerts and also a Kunadalini Yoga teacher in her hometown. For me, Holi is colour, life, love. The appeal of being soaked in the colour of love is irresistible, she added.

Talking to Dainik Nation , Sadhvi Bhagwati said, During the week- long festival, the participants gathered excellence in asanas, deep meditation from 70 Yogacharyas from 20 countries. They participated in the sankirtan, took pledges to take yoga off the mat and save environment in their own countries to which they belong. Holi festival embodies the spirit of oneness.”


Let there be only one colour- the color of yoga, extolled the seer Chidananda Saraswati.  “It was great to have people from all continents except Antarctica. Living by yoga is the only way to be happy in this world. The colour of Holi is merging here in the colour of   yoga. They have become one, indistinguishable,”  added the seer.

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