Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s father, Anand Singh Bisht, has been admitted to the Jollygrant Hospital in Dehradun after his health deteriorated.
According to the information, on Monday evening, Yogi Adityanath’s father was brought to the Emergency of Himalayan Hospital in Jollyigrant from Panchur village of Yamkeshwar. Where he has been admitted after the checkup. However, there is no clear information about his illness yet, but the doctors are observing him.
Hospital Public Relation Officer Anup Rawat has confirmed the news of Anand Singh Bisht being hospitalized. It is being told that Anand Singh Bisht had a complaint about dehydration. Anand Singh Bisht is being treated under the supervision of senior doctors of the hospital. Yogi’s father resides in his village after retiring in 1991 from the rank of Forest Ranger in Uttarakhand.