Despite objection raised by Congress party and Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on holding the commanders’ conference at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun is schedule to happen on Jan 21. In which PM Narendra Modi would address the commanders and would stay at least for six hours at IMA on Saturday.
The commanders’ conference is an annual event in which the PM would make important discussion with defence commanders. It is learnt that the issue of unified command of armed forces would be one of an important matter of discussion. A retired army general opined that the country’s defence forces are planning to follow the pattern of theatre command system under the unified command. These theatres (desert, mountain, southern peninsula, eastern sector) would synergise the working of army, navy and air force and optimize the resources. The unified command specific to neutralise perceived threat from China is also expected to be on the agenda of discussion in the conference of commanders.Strategic scenario on the Line of Control (LOC), deployment of army and para military in Jammu and Kashmir, reaction of army on terrorist activities and minimising operational causalities are expected to be discussed in the conference.
It would be pertinent to mention here that the first time commanders’ conference is being oganised at IMA Dehradun.
On Thursday Chief Minister Harish Rawat has cried foul on holding the Commanders’ Conference in the state which has sizable population of serving and ex-servicmen just ahead of the assembly polls. CM has questioned the motive of holding the conference, presence of PM Narendra Modi and accused BJP of using the armed forces to further its electoral prospects.
Although BJP retaliated by terming the opposition of Congress party to the Commanders’ Conference as a sign of political bankruptcy. The BJP leaders are linking the Congress stand on the issue with the questions the party raised after the surgical strikes.